Saturday 3 December 2011


United states of America eased its immigration laws.It also eased the procurement of H1B viza at the same time.The bill regarding this was placed in house of representatives of US Senate and passed with thumping majority.Most of the beneficiaries of this 'ease' are 'Indians' and the second most 'benefited' community is from china, as analysts opine.Analysts also say that this is to attract the young and innovative professionals from India and China.

The question is , why this bill (easing the norms of immigrations) was necessitated.Was that so important to be placed in the house of representatives, at the time when the country(US) is on the brink of another economic crisis.Analysts say that US want to take help from a huge market of India to stabilize its down falling economy.So to impress and attract the Indian Experts and leadership it eased the norms of immigration.But we have to keep in mind that this nation located in the west is never a good friend of india.We can count many examples of deceiving by the United states.US never see any country as friends, rather it considers different countries as 'Markets'.Some are great markets ,some are weak markets and such are the categories.India comes under the 'great' category of United state's markets but the US leadership says that " there are many reasons of US-India relationship".

Now, if we talk about the attitude of the US officials and administration at the whole, is disgusting.Recent example is the frisking of our Nuclear Hero and former president of India Dr.Abdul kalam's frisking at an airport in US.So this is the example of United state's respect towards indian 'experts'.And now US is easing its immigration laws and calling the experts from our country.Why should we go to US. Do we really need a green card?.  should we go to US to be frisked or disgusted?..we have to think over it.I think i don't need any insulting card of america. I want to stay in my country.Serving my people with my expertise and my talent....

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