Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has given his consent to bring radical changes in the school syllabus by giving due credence to Telangana history, art, culture and literature. The changes in the syllabus were advised by the experts committee set up by the State Council for Education Research and Training (SCERT) which suggested that chapters about the history of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh should be replaced with that of Telangana history, culture, architecture, art and literature.
With the CM’s consent, the text books of Class I to 10 would have the syllabus designed by the state authorities from the coming academic year 2015-16. The changed syllabus would have couplets and poems of native poets of Telangana besides historical, architectural and artistic parts of Telangana. The new syllabus proposed long ago, is awaiting CM’s nod for its implementation.
However, after a recent meeting held at Secretariat attended by state government’s cultural advisor N V Ramana Chary, SCERT director S Jagannath Reddy and other officials from school education department, the proposals were discussed at length before sending them to the chief minister.
The history books would also include the history of Telangana dating back to the induction of Hyderabad State into the Indian Union and all the major events up to the formation of Telangana. History of movements during Nizam’s government, Hyderabad’s merger, first democratic government, agitations pertaining to Mulki rules, role of Osmania University students, 1969 Telangana movement, 1972 Jai Andhra movement would be included in the history.
Interestingly, the syllabus of Social Studies also includes the details of State Government’s schemes pertaining to tanks and ponds (Mana Vuru Mana Cheruvu) and this aspect also occupy a significant space of the syllabus. Major breakthroughs during the Telangana movement were also made the part of syllabus. Meanwhile, the Telugu Desam criticized the TRS government and alleged that KCR was busy in incorporating his own history in the name of Telangana history. TDP spokesperson N Narsi Reddy said that almost 1,200 students have sacrificed their lives for the cause of Telangana.
Undermining students’ sacrifice and omission of the participation of poets, artists and other people’s version in Telangana history was shameful, he said. Reddy said that history would not forgive people who were indulging in praising the Chief Minister K Chandra Sekhar Rao while ignoring the actual martyrs of Telangana.
With the CM’s consent, the text books of Class I to 10 would have the syllabus designed by the state authorities from the coming academic year 2015-16. The changed syllabus would have couplets and poems of native poets of Telangana besides historical, architectural and artistic parts of Telangana. The new syllabus proposed long ago, is awaiting CM’s nod for its implementation.
However, after a recent meeting held at Secretariat attended by state government’s cultural advisor N V Ramana Chary, SCERT director S Jagannath Reddy and other officials from school education department, the proposals were discussed at length before sending them to the chief minister.
The history books would also include the history of Telangana dating back to the induction of Hyderabad State into the Indian Union and all the major events up to the formation of Telangana. History of movements during Nizam’s government, Hyderabad’s merger, first democratic government, agitations pertaining to Mulki rules, role of Osmania University students, 1969 Telangana movement, 1972 Jai Andhra movement would be included in the history.
Interestingly, the syllabus of Social Studies also includes the details of State Government’s schemes pertaining to tanks and ponds (Mana Vuru Mana Cheruvu) and this aspect also occupy a significant space of the syllabus. Major breakthroughs during the Telangana movement were also made the part of syllabus. Meanwhile, the Telugu Desam criticized the TRS government and alleged that KCR was busy in incorporating his own history in the name of Telangana history. TDP spokesperson N Narsi Reddy said that almost 1,200 students have sacrificed their lives for the cause of Telangana.
Undermining students’ sacrifice and omission of the participation of poets, artists and other people’s version in Telangana history was shameful, he said. Reddy said that history would not forgive people who were indulging in praising the Chief Minister K Chandra Sekhar Rao while ignoring the actual martyrs of Telangana.
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