Friday, 30 December 2011

Rapes And Reasons

1.The unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

2.Any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
The above sentences are the meanings of rape.Yes this issue is now my topic because Andhrapradesh DGP Dinesh Reddy made a 'comment' on this issue. In a Press conference he told that rise in rape cases cannot be attributed to failure of police. He stressed that rape cases are increasing due to the filmsy and fashionable clothes wore by most girls and women are attractive and provoking to the accused.But I say that this cannot be the sole reason.Perhaps the revealing dresses are one of the most strong reason for the increase in such cases but there are some other facts too.

First of all the law.We should have a strong law to protect the women's rights and give them the safety in society. Because naturally the famine gender is prone to assaults.Every religion and every country supports a strong law in favor of women.So we have to think about this issue.

Secondly if there are such strong laws, we should ensure its implementation.
Our society should be aware of the strict laws, that if they try to offend any women they will be punished strongly and promptly.But unfortunately in our country nobody is feared about the law.Though the rule of law prevail in most of our institutions but not strongly.Our law is strong but implementation and execution of accused is having lacunae.On the other hand 'so called' protagonists of human rights oppose the strict and strong laws against any such heinous crime.So we have to teach them first.India being a pluralistic society faces many problems to implement the laws. But on the common grounds we can be united. A Rape victim women can anybody's sister,wife or relative.
After laws there comes culture. What our culture says.what it teaches us.This is very important aspect. We should be aware of our culture and try to protect it.In some sense DGP dinesh reddy is right in his views.Wearings of western culture will definitely invite the rapists and assaulter. We can go through the list of abuses made upon the western women in many European countries.

Naturally women ought to be protected. They should be protected from going out without any strong reason. This is in their nature that they don't want to come out of their homes. But in the name of 'freedom' they come out and be victimized. Going against nature or basic instinct is fatal for any body whether it is women or men.The modern societies are information societies according to the analysts.I suggest all the modern societies to find out the Truth of Living and in my view we can get to the Art of living.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Now Syria

Just like Egyptian army, syrian army is also extensively killing the people of its own country.The difference between two army institutions is , in Egypt people's voice toppled the Hosni's tyrant governance and in case of syria people are still struggling for the freedom of living.In egypt the regime changed but the whole set up of government still continue the same 'rules' of past.

In syria Human rights are violated heavily.Recent killings of civilian and military detractors showed the gruesome situation of syrians under the tyrrant rule of Basharul asad.But syria is now adopting a new strategy of targeting self to manipulate the world view.Just like western countries, syrian rulers allegedly facilitated a double car bomb blast in its higly secured intelligence buildings.Ironically this is the first attack of its kind since the beginning of the uprising in March 2011.

The attack came when a team of observers from Arab league is in the syria to assess the ground realities.The league observers say that they are in syria to assess the facts and condemn such suicide attacks.Where as the opposition Syrian National council said these bombings are mysterious.The national transitional council regretted the attacks allegedly 'orchestrated' by the rulers.This is the earstwhile strategy of western countries to harm self and allege others for the sin.

The same strategy was used in the 9/11 attacks in Newyork and in compensation of two trade towers,US destroyed two countries i.e., Afghanistan and Iraq.But for syria it is not suitable to use such strategy.The unjustice and violation of human rights should be stopped in syria either by debate or by force...

Monday, 19 December 2011

Live From Cairo

The history repeats itself.Yeah! this seems to be truly fit to the situation now on the liberty symbol Tahrir Square.The agitating egyptians are beaten up cruelly and women are dragged by hair mercilessly.This plight of egyptians was in the Hosni mubarak's autocratic regime,but now the supreme military council is doing the same.In fact the egyptian military now is the same which followed the orders of their general 'Hosni mubarak';where as now their General is changed.The army's attitude towards the people is the same like past.And now history is repeating itself.
The egyptians are now protesting against the military's supremacy.Earlier this year the brave egyptians successfully overthrown the thirty years survived tyrrant Hosni, and egyptians now on the way to form a democratically elected government.When the people of egyptians were agitating against the Mubarak regime they were not touched by the military.But now the scene is different and agitators are beaten mercilessly.

The present  chief of Supreme military council is Hussain tantavi, who was the defence minister of Hosni mubarak.After Hosni mubarak the military council is trying to be the supreme power even after the civil government is elected.Whereas the military announced that they will take care of the governance till july 2011, which was rejected by Tahrir agitators.

The tragedy of egyptians is that for a long time they have not experienced the democratic atmosphere in their country and the military too never bothered for the Human rights.The gruesome scenes on the Tahrir Square is the result of long time reluctance to the Human rights.Perhaps this is result of fear that is growing due the dominance of Islamists in ongoing elections in Egypt.On one hand the 'world powers' are saying that islamists are the biggest threat for the democracy,and on the other hand the so called 'seculars' also backing the fears.
Where as the world knows that Islamists were on the frontline in the anti regime agitation in egypt.They positively worked for the democratic society for a long time and also stood in frontline during the Jnuary tahrir square protests. Military's action against Egyptian women and protesters is brutal and inhuman. The global community severely condemns this.

Sunday, 18 December 2011


In fact this is the biggest activity in democracy where in the people involve and cast their votes.During the elections the faith of people in democracy enhances and they become the 'king makers'.For some people it is the time to earn and for some this is a battlefield.At the same time the middlemen's business also flourish.But when the elections are over the dust settles and 'people' who were actively participating in the process of election, vanish.We can only find some gun men and security officials accompanied by political leaders.

The contribution of people in the democracy come to an end with the completion of election.People get the 'complete' definition of democracy 'by the people' and 'of the people' but not for the people.'For the people' is only the elections.The benefits of election and privileges of democracy are not 'for the people'.Why elections is my topic now because many of our indian states are going to have this 'celebration' of voting.In this election activity 'the people' will cast their votes and elect some body as their 'leaders' hoping for the betterment in their lives.

As per the years and decades long custom political leaders of different political parties are wooing and luring the voters with different proclaims.As i am also the part of 'people' i am ready to cast my vote and get the satisfaction of being a part of democracy.Let us see will this democracy becomes 'For the people' this time or will it continue like past sixty years.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

My Views: Rupee Falls

My Views: Rupee Falls: It seems this is now indi's turn to bear the brunt of economic crisis.Though i am not an economist but in the name of 'forthcoming' crisis ...

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Rupee Falls

It seems this is now india's turn to bear the brunt of economic crisis.Though i am not an economist but in the name of 'forthcoming' crisis my employer incurred me loss of increment; and that directly hit my economy. The latest news is indian currency popularly known as Rupee is falling.when this news was flashed in news channels and next day there was a lead story about this, i was wondered.
For me , 'falling' means falling from high position or 'falling' into some body's pocket.But the whole news of 'Rupee Falling' was totally against my imagination.It was about the stocks of Rupee falling due to the recession in industrial production.However i couldn't understand the myth of 'Stock-exchange' yet but faces of people standing out side the Bombay stock exchange were pale.
By looking at their faces, in one of  the pictures in news websites i clearly understood that definitely there is something wrong with Rupee.Any way After the shocking and breaking news of rupee's fall,our troubleshooter Union Finance minister Mr.Pranab mukhorjee told Rajya sabha that India has the power to cope up with this crisis.Whatever it is, i think a common indian never understand the myths of 'Stock' and 'Exchange', because he only have the stock of worries in his life and want to 'exchange' it with happiness.
The common man popularly known as 'Aam Admi' is looking for the day when the plural of 'Rupee' falls into his pocket.The economists and Industrialists must understand the problems of the common man and take steps towards strengthening the Rupee.I feel the present dilapidated situation of Indian currency is because of the anti people and 'Pro corporates' policy of our government. This is happening when implementation of FDI is stopped just some days ago.What would have happened when it would be implemented.....?

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Deadly Hospitals

The health sector in Inidia is majorly privatized now .For more than two decades the Superpeciality and multispeciality hospitals have become common in India.where as Public sector hospitals are left in lurch to deliver poor service and negligence.Even governments don't show any interest towards upgrading the public sector hospitals. There are only some research institutes that are working under the supervision of government. The influx of private hospitals and corporate hospitals incurred a lot to the indian population.

The health assurance is one of the guidelines for the democratically elected government towards people in our nation.Btu contrary to this the government policies are made against the people and in favor of corporates. Majority of our population are still unable to bare the heavy charges of health care and treatment.Many go bankrupt after getting treated in any hospital.There are many different corporate hospitals across the nation in different cities.Government allows them to function freely and give the 'service', but never checks how they are benefiting the people.Especially the Fire safety Norms are utterly neglected.Recent fire accident at AMRI Hospital of kolkata showed a grim fact of negligence.This is the most ugly example of negligence and compromising with fire safety.The question here is how such hospitals get the license without strong safety norms.
Though the chief minister of Bengal has announced the cancellation of license and compensation to the kin of victims, but steps should taken to stop such incidents in future.The corporate hospitals fetch a huge income in the name their 'services' but most of the times they fail to deliver the responsible service. In case of AMRI the reckless behavior of hospital staff added to the damage.Preventive measures should be taken before establishing any hospitals.The central and State governments are equally responsible for the loss of many lives in Kolkata. This is the high time for the government to check for the fire safety measures in different Corporate and so called superspeciality hospitals of big cities. Because, if these safety norms are neglected the only victims will be the citizens who pay huge money for their treatment.